Gianluca Paniz

Gianluca Paniz has always been dedicating high interest to teaching as his numerous teaching positions confirm.

Gianluca in Contract Professor (Professore a Contratto) at the University of Padova where he is also tutor in the department of Implantology and lecturer to different groups of students (dental student, postgraduate residents,..)

Gianluca is Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at TUFTS Universisty in Boston. He spends every year two to three weeks in United States for giving lectures to students and helping the resident in the laboratory and in the clinic.



Gianluca Paniz receives many invitation to lecture to different audiences (more than 50 lectures per year).

In the last years, Gianluca, besides Italy, has been lecturing in Korea, Japan, Lebanon, Germany, Sweden, Spain and USA.



Together with Andrea Chierico, Gianluca developed an intense teaching activity near Verona: ABCDental – Advanced Dental Culture, where every year several dentists are educated to the fields of prosthodontics, implant dentistry and esthetic dentistry.


This activity ended in 2015 as Gianluca Paniz founded in Padova “Antonianum Institute, Continuing Education and Research” a unique center which combines dental education and researches in the dental field.


The center, named Antonianum Institute, Continuing Education and Research, combines dental education and researches in the dental field.



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